12 Wondrous Benefits of Aloe Vera- The multi-speciality succulent

The Aloe Vera

Aloe barbadensis miller commonly called Aloe Vera is a multi-speciality stem less or short- stemmed xerophytic succulent which belongs to family Liliaceae. The leaves are green, fleshy and thick. It is cultivated for agricultural and medicinal uses. It is used in various cosmetics, ointments, beverages, etc. 

Almost every home has this wonderful green succulent growing. But how often do we use it? There is so much in this plant that you would be amazed to learn about. This succulent is a must at every home. 

We are listing below the benefits and uses of[the same for you to take full advantage of its properties.  

Benefits and uses

1. Clears acne

The most common problem among teenagers is acne due to hormonal change. Applying fresh aloe gel on the face can surely reduce inflammation and acne.  Close up of teenage girl popping pimple  Acne creams with a combination of aloe vera are more effective than the acne medication alone.

2. Lightens blemishes on face

This succulent helps has vitamin C and E and helps in skin rejuvenation and skin cell reproduction, ultimately leading to clear and smooth skin with no acne marks.

3. Helps in hair growth

The aloe gel activates new hair growth by increasing blood circulation to the scalp preventing hair fall. The proteolytic enzymes repair dead skin cells. Also, it acts as a conditioner. 

4.  Improves digestive health

Aloe Vera is said to cure stomach ailments and prevent ulcers by suppressing the growth of H. pylori bacteria in the digestive tract.


5. Heals burnsAloe vera being applied on burn

This succulent has cooling, soothing and moisturizing properties and can be used to treat burns. It also works wonders on reducing sun burns.


6. Anti-radiator

Yes, it can absorb harmful radiations from gadgets and give you more healthy air.

7. Improves oral health

Aloe Vera mouthwash or toothpastes can keep plaque at bay and improve overall mouth health to a great extent.


8. Aloe Vera juice:

Aloe vera juice in a jar

  • High on nutrients 

It contains trace amounts of manganese, zinc, copper, calcium, potassium and sodium.  It is an excellent source of vitamin B-12, C and E.

  • Gives you a clear skin

This hydrating drink keeps acne at bay. The more you infuse liquid in your diet, the more you flush out toxins and the effect is seen in the face. It repairs your skin from daily damage and makes it tolerant to unfavourable conditions, keeping the aging effect miles away.

  • Relieves heartburn

It reduces the amount of acid produced by the stomach,  thus leading to less risks of heartburn and gastric ulcers.

  • Keeps you hydrated

The juice flushes out impurities and toxins, thus keeping you healthy. Liver and kidneys are responsible for detoxifying blood and producing urine, hence aloe juice improves organ output.

  • Keeps liver healthy 

This succulent is enriched with phytonutrients, hence making it ideal for the liver. Liver functions best when it is hydrated and nourished.

  • Relieves constipation 

Now you know that the juice keeps you hydrated, so it means that it increases the water content in the body including intestine which produces a stimulation for peristalsis ,i.e., bowel movement aiding in passing stool normally. 

  • Lowers blood sugar levels

A study claimed that consuming aloe vera gel or juice can aid people control fasting blood sugar levels and lose weight also. It stimulates insulin secretion in the body helping you keep diabetes at bay. 

9. NASA recommended air purifier 

Yes, you heard it right. You might already have this amazing succulent at your home, if not you must get it right now. It has been stated as the air purifier by NASA as it helps clear formaldehyde and benzene which can be a byproduct of paints.

Other benefits 

10. Inhibits inflammation

11.Improves wound healing

12. Reduces cholesterol 

How to Care for aloe vera?

1. Opt for a terracotta pot with a hole at the bottom as it is made from porous material which enables the soil to dry thoroughly in between waterings.

2. Use a cactus mix rather than using a gardening soil which is more porous and breathable for a succulent. 

3. Aloe Vera likes bright indirect sunlight. Too intense and prolonged sunlight can damage the plant and dry it out turning it yellow.

4. Fertilize the plant in spring and summers only.

5. Never overwater the succulents as it can lead to root rot. Allow the top third layer of the soil to dry completely before next watering. Reduce watering extremely in winters. 

*This content is source and research based, kindly consult your physician before consuming any product. 

15 Sacred Trees Native to India

India, the land of Gods and Goddesses where many divine powers took birth. People here see deities as the intermediaries with the divine world, and as a source of connection to God. In many traditions and religions, plants and trees are seen as a spiritual symbol. Rigveda and Atharvaveda take us into the history of plants, and their benefits in Ayurveda. These living greens symbolize divinity, fertility, purity, prosperity and growth. 

No doubt, plants and trees are the reason for the existence of entire human race.

So, let us have a look at a few plants and trees which are sacred and are worshipped all around India. 

1. Peepal (Ficus religiosa)

Peepal tree is popularly known as Bodhi tree. It is believed that Gautam Buddha gained enlightenment under this tree.

This tree represents three main gods in hinduism- Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. The leaves represent Shiva, the trunk represents Vishnu and the roots represent Brahma. Therefore, it represents the Holy Trinity in the scriptures. A red thread is tied around the tree to worship it. According to Skanda Pyrana, Lord Vishnu resides under this tree. Peepal tree is considered as the ‘Tree of life’ not only amongst Hindus but also amongst Jains and Buddhists.

The three doshas, vāta, pitta and kapha fluctuate in the body due to various factors and health exists when an equal amount of these elements are present in one’s body. Peepal keeps the balance of these three elements.

This sacred tree finds uses in different ayurvedic medicines and is known to treat various ailments.

Sacred Peepal tree leaves


  • Peepal tree is a storehouse of oxygen as it emits large quantities of breathable air. Every part of this tree has a use. Asthma, high blood sugar levels, constipation and diarrhoea are treatable with the help of leaves, fruits, stem bark and root bark.
  • The peepal bark reduces the symptoms of diarrhea by the contraction of mucosal cells due to its astringent properties. Also, constipation can be managed by the peepal leaves.
  • Due to its anti-allergic properties the dried powder of peepal bark can be used to manage respiratory problems.
  • Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, inflammation related to eczema can be reduced using the leaf extract in the form of ointment by applying topically. Hence, it can manage skin diseases.
  • This sacred plant can also be used for a brighter complexion, cracked heels, toothache, impotency, ear infection, eye pain and purifying blood.

*Use peepal formulations under medical supervision only as it can cause allergies in hypersensitive people. 

  1. Banyan (Ficus benghalensis)

Banyan tree is the national tree of our country and is also known as ‘bargad’. It provides a vast field of shade due to its lush and large foliage. It is highly worshipped and is believed to fulfil wishes as per the Hindu mythology. This sacred tree is found commonly near a temple and homes and is known to regulate the balance of the three doshas as peepal does. It is known as the kalpa vriksha. It is generally considered as the humble abode of Krishna.

Banyan tree picture


The Antioxidant properties help reduce bad cholesterol levels and helps manage blood glucose levels by increasing insulin secretion.

 The aqueous extract of banyan leaves help reduce pain and inflammation due to arthritis because of its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Banyan tree fruit aids in stress reduction and manages anxiety and depression. 

  •  Digestive system

This tree has anti-microbial and healing properties which may treat diarrhea and dysentery. The tree extract has high fiber content which is used to treat constipation. 

  • Oral health

The two main strains of bacteria responsible for disturbing the oral health are Lactobacillus and Streptococcus mutans, towards which the banyan shows antibacterial effect and prevents tooth decay.

  •  Immune system

The banyan tree bark has bioactive compounds rich in antioxidant agents which neutralize the free radicals and prevent damage to internal organs. So, this extract is used in various Indian folk medicines. Hence, it also boosts immunity. 

  •  Vaginal infection

 Vaginal infection is caused due to the microbial flora of the vagina. Banyan tree (leaf extract) is antimicrobial in nature. The bark or the leaves are crushed to make a powder, which is then mixed with water to prepare a vaginal wash for treatment of the infection, particularly leucorrhea.

  • Skin care

It has the capability to block the toxic effects of several allergens and provides a soothing effect. It is also used to prevent skin damage. Concoctions prepared from banyan leaves and aloe vera help treat skin allergies and improve skin health. Therefore, the sacred banyan has skin protective properties. 

  • Diabetes

Diabetes is a major health concern worrying almost everyone. The bioactive compounds of the tree extract helps deal with diabetes.

  • Mosquito-borne diseases

Culex and Anopheles are the vectors for japanese encephalitis and malaria, respectively. The methanolic extract of the tree helps to keep in check the mosquito population due to its larvicidal properties. 

  • Anti-bacterial and anti-fungal

The aerial or prop roots’ extract is rich in anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties which work against many types of bacteria and fungi.

  •  Pollution control

This sacred tree is also a helping hand to nature as it has the potential to minimize the air polluting agents, thus maintaining the air quality of an area.

  1. Ashoka (Saraca asoca)

Ashoka tree is sacred to Buddhists, Jains and Hindus and is known to be associated with Kama Deva (the god of love). It is heard that Shakyamuni Buddha took birth under an ashoka tree situated in Lumbini Garden. Hanuman meets Sita in the garden of ashoka trees (Ashoka Vatika) which is mentioned in the Ramayana. 

This tree has elegant flowers and is an evergreen species. A Toran of Ashoka leaves is hung on the main door on an auspicious occasion as it creates a positive atmosphere in the house.

Sacred Ashoka leaves


  1. Consumption of ashoka juice may promote healthy skin as it purifies blood.
  2. It aids in controlling internal bleeding in case of piles due to its astringent properties.
  3. Application of its juice on the skin helps get rid of excess oil.
  4. Ashoka helps in managing menstrual problems like irregular and painful periods.
  5. Its powder consumption can relieve abdominal pain.
  1. Mango (Mangifera indica)

The Mango tree and also its fruit is considered as a vital ingredient for any puja or religious ceremony. The leaves are hung in the house to mark an auspicious occasion as it is said that the leaves mark goddess Lakshmi. Also, these are placed on kalash on rituals during  Purnakumba (a hindu ceremony). The coconut on the top of kalash symbolizes the head of the god and the leaves symbolize limbs. The tree has also been quoted in Mahabharata,  Ramayana and Puranas. The sacred fruit symbolizes fertility and purity and is known as the ‘King of fruits’. 

Mango leaves and fruits


  1. Leaves
  • The mango leaves have anti-inflammatory agents which are generally due to mangiferin which prevents inflammation.
  • The leaf extract helps to control diabetes, obesity and regulates fat metabolism.
  • They are rich in terpenoids and polyphenols. The latter have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and help avoid heart diseases, obesity and cancer, whereas, the former are  antioxidants which fight against free radicals leading to a healthy immune system.
  • The mangiferin in mango leaves may have anticancer agents, as it combats oxidative stress and fights inflammation.
  1. Fruit
  1. Bael (Aegle marmelos)

Bael tree is linked with lord Shiva. Its leaves are always offered to Shiva and the religious ceremonies are incomplete in the absence of bael fruits and leaves. The fruit is also used to worship Parvati and Viva rupra.

Bael fruit and leaves

There are numerous benefits associated with this sacred tree out of which some are listed below:

  • Relieves constipation 
  • Its leaves help fight against the recurring colds and respiratory problems. 
  • Bael juice contributes in beautifying hair by enhancing hair growth.
  • Keeps a check on the bad cholesterol levels.
  • This vitamin C rich fruit helps keep scurvy at bay
  • Prevents peptic ulcers due to its soothing effects
  • The bael fruit aids in increasing blood count
  • Prevents gynaecological problems
  • Its juice and squash keeps you hydrated in summers.
  1. Neem (Azadirachta indica)

Neem tree is known to be associated with goddess Durga and is believed to protect against the evil spirits. It is highly respected in India. It has various health benefits and ayurvedic uses.

A special puja is held on Chaitra Navaratri when prayers are offered to the Neem tree, symbolising the worship of goddess Shitala. People often bathe new-born babies in water boiled with neem leaves because of its medicinal and sacred properties .

Neem leaves


  1. Its paste relieves tired or irritated eyes, fades away dark spots, chronic ulcers or eruptions on skin, treats dandruff and heals wounds. 
  2. Its leaves prevents bleeding nose, treats upset stomach, intestinal worms, cardiovascular diseases, gingivitis. The leaves aid in birth control and abortion. 
  3. The flower controls phlegm and reduces bile.
  4. The bark is used for skin diseases, pain, fever and malaria. 
  5. The neem twigs of this sacred tree aid in relieving cough, asthma, urinary disorders, diabetes and checks low sperm count.
  1. Coconut (Cocos nucifera)

The coconut tree of South India is also one of the most worshipped trees. It is used in religious ceremonies and distributed as prasad at various holy places. Coconuts are worshipped to lord at auspicious occasions and are considered as sacred and lucky.


  • Coconut milk

Coconut milk finds its uses in food as well as health. It imparts an extra taste to the meals.

The milk can relieve sore throat and eye infection. Drinking half a glass of this milk can reduce constipation. 

  • Coconut oil

Coconut oil helps get rid of skin and scalp dryness.

Its boiled flower concoction helps relieve kidney related diseases.

The oil may treat headache and fever.

  •    Coconut water

Coconut water contains natural vitamin C and potassium.It does wonders during summers by hydrating and energizing every part of your body.It is good for both kidneys and bladder.It relieves stomach aches.

  •    Coconut roots

Coconut roots may treat kidney, gall bladder and urinary infections in some cases. The boiled water of coconut roots is used to take care of oral health.

You all would be knowing many other benefits and importance of the sacred trees than the ones I have mentioned. Share your benefits and remedies with us in the comment box.

To be continued…

Sick Building Syndrome v/s Green Lungs

What is Sick Building Syndrome (SBS)?

Sick building syndrome is a common worldwide health concern, where people in a building suffer from symptoms of illness or become infected with chronic disease from the building in which they work or reside, but no specific illness or cause can be identified.

1. Late 1970s- vague symptoms were reported by people in newly constructed homes, nurseries and offices. It was known as “office illness” in media.

During the first energy crisis in the 1970s, builders and building owners took action to reduce energy consumption in office buildings by increasing insulation, weather stripping doors, building wraps and using insulated double- and triple-pane windows.

In many cases, buildings were renovated to setup windows that couldn’t open, to minimize the escape of heated or cooled air.

2. 1980- NIOSH got 150 internal environmental quality complaints.

3. 1986- WHO coined the term “Sick Building Syndrome” and it also came to notice that 10-30% of newly built buildings in the West had indoor air quality issues.

4. 1989- The Swedish allergy study indicated sick building as a cause of the allergy epidemic.

5. 1990s-
• considerable research was carried out on Sick building syndrome.
• various studies were performed on individual buildings.
• the chemical contents of the material of the building was considered.
• a distrust of the Sick building syndrome concept was raised.
• 52% of complaints concerned sick-making work environments in USA.

6. 1999- a thesis at the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm 1999 questioned the methodology of previous research.

7. 2005- a Danish study presented the imperfections experimentally which showed that sick building syndrome is neither a coherent syndrome nor a disease which can be diagnosed individually, rather it is a collection of semi related diseases.

8. 2006- the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare advised in the medical journal Läkartidningen that “sick building syndrome” should not be used as a clinical diagnosis.

How many buildings have this problem?

Animated Sick Building
WHO claims, 30% of the buildings suffer from sick building syndrome. We spend 90% of our time indoors due to the busy schedule and don’t have the time to relish nature.


What Causes Sick building syndrome?

1. Indoor contamination (heaters, smoking, etc.)
2. Outdoor contamination
3. Poor ventilation
4. Electromagnetic radiations
5. Biological contamination (pathogens, such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, spores, molds and protozoans)
6. Common products such as
• paint
• insulation
• rigid foam
• particle board
• plywood
• duct liners
• exhaust fumes, various chemical contaminants from indoor or outdoor sources, and biological contaminants can be trapped inside by the HVAC AC system.

Signs and symptoms
The WHO has sorted the reported symptoms into various categories, including:
• mucous membrane irritation (eye, nose, and throat irritation),
• neurotoxic effects (headaches, fatigue, and irritability),
• asthma and asthma-like symptoms (chest tightness and wheezing)

People affected with Sick building syndrome coming out of the sick building with thermometer• skin dryness and irritation, gastrointestinal complaints and more. 
• Non-specific hypersensitivity reactions, voice hoarseness, flu-like symptoms
• personality changes, reduction in work efficiency and increase in absenteeism.

A very large 2017 Swedish study corresponded several inflammatory diseases of the respiration tract with an objective proof of damp-caused damage in homes.

There is no specified medical test to diagnose sick building syndrome. The below given characteristics can help identifying the cause :
1. Symptoms disappear once the affected person leaves the building or home.
2. Other co-workers have similar issues or complaints.

Animated building with a stethoscope

For your convenience write down when and where the symptoms start, as well as when they go away. Also, be very much specific about your symptoms. Your doctor will try identifying conditions that could mimic sick building symptoms. Record them in your diary.

How to resist the effect of illness?

Coming down to health, there are many natural ways of improving it i.e. engaging in physical activities, eating healthy, thinking positive, opting good habits and spending time with mother nature.

General health is a pivotal pillar for quality of life. How would it feel to be able to live in a place that provides,
• 48% increased focus on your work
• 26% increase in your study performance
• 6.4% improvement in the quality of sleep

Most of us do not know the characteristics of Truly Healthy Spaces. These are:
• To think
• To judge
• To memorize
• To understand

 Most of these strategies can be accomplished by gardening or greenery, but now days we have zero or very little space due to urbanization, open spaces are captured by high rise apartments. So, now we are left with vertical spaces like walls or roofs.

Sustainable healthy homes and offices

Within the last 20 years there has been renewed interest in the role of designed landscapes as a healing tool to enhance the wellbeing.

Sustainable design seeks to Reduce negative influence on environment, health and comfort of building occupants, thereby improving building performance. The basic objectives of sustainability are to cut down consumption of non-renewable resources, minimize waste and create healthy, productive environment.

Sustainable design principles include the ability to:
• Optimize site potential
• Minimize non-renewable energy consumption
• Use environmentally preferable products
• Protect and conserve water
• Enhance indoor environmental quality
• Optimize operational and maintenance practices

Vertical Gardening for Healthy Living (The Green Lung’s Magic)
Vertical gardening (also known as the Living wall or the Green lung) is a technique used to grow plants on a vertically suspended panel. These unique structures can either be free standing or attached to a wall.

Vertical panel with plantsThese living green vertical structures can be as small as picture frame or as massive as thousands of square feet.
The trend of indoor gardening is increasing tremendously as people are taking interest in beautifying their homes and workplace with different kind of plants, veggies and herbs on a vertical panel.

How can green lungs help?

1. Respiratory Health
Animated lungsThe plants in a living wall filter particulate matter from the air and convert carbon dioxide into oxygen. A green lung extracts 2.3 kg carbon dioxide per annum from the air and produces 1.7 kg of oxygen. With these green lungs you contribute to air purification.
If you opt for an electric air purifier, you never know to how much extent the air is getting purified. Plus there will be an energy cost and it may also emit some radiations. Whereas, plants do not affect or emit anything, says Ar. Hardika who leads Hardika Architects firm in the city of Karnal.

2. Thermal Health
Thermometer50% sunlight is absorbed by the plants while 30% is reflected. Thus, it leads to a cooler and more pleasant environment in summers and a warmer indoor climate during winters.

3. Safety

Plants naturally contain a lot of moisture. With a green lung you create a natural fire resistant layer on a building or a house. Thus, it acts as a natural safety blanket.

4. Reduces ambient noise
No noise signA green lung acts as a sound barrier to the building. It absorbs 41% more sound than a traditional facade and this means that the indoor environment is much quieter. Also, the indoor voices are less likely to reach outside.

5. Extends facade life span
A green lung offers protection from external influences such as the sun, rain, wind and temperature fluctuations and thus, extends the life span of a building by reducing the contraction and relaxation of the concrete material.

6. Adds value to the building
The natural and sustainable appearance combined with a reduction in energy cost, means an increase in the value of your property and it also serves as a landmark.

7. Heightens the feeling of well being
Living and working in a green environment has a positive effect on one’s well health. Gardening offers you relaxation and reduces stress, says Ar. Hardika.

8. Green helps you focus
A healthier environment, cleaner air, and a better state of mind. The knock-on effect of this greener living space is the plants’ ability to improve concentration and focus, particularly important if your home is also your workplace.

9. Reduction in energy cost and utilization
Green lungs help to reduce the energy costs incurred to adequately ventilate and control building temperature. Reduction in the use of energy will not only cut down on heavy electricity bills but will also help conserving energy for the upcoming generations.

Plants in a green lung can remove upto 87% of toxins in air within a period of 24 hours.
Plants are effective in cutting down the amount of VOCs and enhance indoor environment. These VOCs include formaldehyde, benzene, xylene and trichloroethylene.

Green lungs or greenery contribute to improve the mental performance by 26% and quality of sleep by 6.4%.
Not only health benefits, green walls also provide a connection with nature that is missing from our work environment. It is really crucial to maintain this connection in order to stay healthy and active. The desire or the urge to connect with nature is known as biophilia.

How many plants you need to clean the air?
The NASA studies on indoor pollution done in 1989, recommended that 15 to 18 plants in 6 to 8 inch diameter containers each, help to clean the air in an average 1,800 square foot house, which is roughly one plant per 100 square feet of floor space.

Does it really matter?

Yes it does. In case of workplace, healthy employees mean more of efficiency and productivity in work. Healthier working environment can cut back on employee’s health expenditures. Whereas, at home you can up class the health of your family and as well as cut down on health expenditures and food cost by growing your own garden. Greenery will help children focus on studies and will make them more active, productive, and creative.

The man built environment is the major cause of green house gas emissions. The quality of air is changing day by day and so is the health of the population. Greenery is the only solution to this problem. Plants can transform our lives in an unexpected way. There is a need of looking at things from green and positive angles.

What we can do?

We can start from our own place, like our homes, then offices and then community. Improved environment quality can help create jobs and productive employees. The community health is also improved gradually.

We all need to join hands for a green initiative to secure the coming generation’s future as well as improve our health.
Good health is what remains forever.

To conclude, Green lungs i.e. mother nature wins over Sick building syndrome.                                                         

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Radiation Free Homes and Offices-10 Indoor Plants To Eliminate Radiations


We live in a world ruled by technology and we are nothing but slaves to this world. Have you ever imagined how these beloved gadgets of yours are slowly killing you at your back?
Electric and magnetic fields (EMFs) are invisible areas of energy, often referred to as radiations. Excessive radiations are the root cause of various health ailments, like- allergies, risk of cancer, stress, and neurological disorders.

According to the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), EMFs are “possibly carcinogenic to humans.” The IARC believes that some studies show a possible link between EMFs and cancer in people.

Symptoms of EMF exposure

According to some scientists, EMFs can affect the body’s nervous system function and cause harm to cells. Cancer and unusual growths may be one symptom of very high EMF exposure. Other symptoms may include:

• headache
• tiredness and fatigue
• dysesthesia (an itchy sensation)
• changes in memory
• dizziness
• irritability
• restlessness and anxiety
• sleep disturbances, including insomnia
• depression and depressive symptoms
• loss of appetite and weight loss
• nausea
• lack of concentration
• changes in an electroencephalogram (which measures electrical activity in the brain)
• skin burning and tingling

But, we don’t yet know enough about its effects on human health and have insufficient evidence. Further research in the next years may clear all our doubts.

Well, there is a way out of this ferocious circle. How many of you are aware of t anti-radiation plants? Yes, you read it right. Some miraculous plants are a boon to today’s human era. As the name anti-radiation describes them well, these contribute by absorbing the electromagnetic radiations emitted by our dear gadgets and purify the air inside a room.
What’s more? Plants absorb carbon dioxide and return oxygen, boost immunity and metabolism. Keeping them around, help in lowering stress levels and headache frequency.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, every task has taken an online route which means more exposure to dangerous rays. So, place a plant in near vicinity to minimize the harmful effects.

List of plants that eliminate radiations

Let’s have a look at the list of plants that absorb these harmful radiations:

Stone lotus flower
This plant does not demand daily watering, twice in a week is more than sufficient. It gives your workplace an aesthetic look and a nice smell. It’s not only beautiful but also eliminates radiations. It is easy to care for.

Spider plant
It is effective in improving air quality by reducing the toxins to a considerable amount ( NASA recommended). It is highly in demand and gives a great look to the place. It is effective in absorbing nuclear radiations, speeds the recovery of patients, maintains indoor humidity, and reduces stress.

Aloe Vera
It is very well known for its skin, hair, and medicinal benefits. We bet you would have never thought that it could act as an anti-radiator. Well, this is the truth about this multi-specialty succulent.
it is a natural laxative, it can fight breast cancer, it can keep your skin hydrated and can lower your blood sugar levels.

Rubber plant
This beautiful indoor plant absorbs high-frequency radiations when kept beside your gadgets. It acts as an effective air purifying plant and is known for its radioactive properties. It requires less maintenance. other benefits;
1. decreased chances of getting allergies
2. promotes stomach health
3. natural analgesic

In 2005, NASA conducted a home-based study and found that at least five plants commonly planted in-house at home or in offices can significantly absorb EMF radiations from electronic devices such as computers and phones – and cactus was one of them. Placing even a small cactus can reduce harmful radiation and purify the air. To elaborate;
1. it is an antiviral

2. has neuroprotective properties- a 2014 study found that it can protect nerve cells

3. high in antioxidants- a 2013 study found that the cactus is able to reduce oxidative stress.

4. regulates blood sugar levels- A 2012 study recommends that taking nopal cactus together with other diabetes medications helps regulate blood sugar.

5. It may reduce cholesterol- as suggested by a study, cactus can reduce cholesterol and also the LDL levels

6.can eliminate hangovers- A 2004 study proved that nopal cactus extract significantly reduces the severity of hangovers when consumed before drinking.

English Ivy
Ivy is one of the best absorbers of radiation available. It can absorb up to 90% of benzene in the air within 24 hours. It eliminates carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and formaldehyde. Make sure not to overwater your ivy. Its Flavonoids help in removing toxins from the body, tightening and strengthening blood vessels, reduce allergies and modulate enzymes to help your body.

Betel leaf plant
Because of its hydroxyl and superoxide scavenging properties, it can eliminate the radioactive components from the air and also it absorbs harmful gases too. what’s more;
1. it eases constipation
2. excellent analgesic
3. improves digestion
4. reduces respiratory problems

Asparagus fern
It has well-known antioxidant properties that help to defend against the damage caused by exposure to gamma radiation.
With a very wonderful fragrance, it has the power to absorb electromagnetic radiations in a room. Ferns have been ranked 9th in the air purifying list of NASA.

Mustard greens
You must have seen this plant going outdoors but it makes a perfect indoor plant too. It defends against the damage caused due to oxidative stress.
The amount of radiation will greatly reduce and you could breathe in pure air. They are also high in vitamin A, C, and beta-carotene. Hence, they are not only nutritional and delicious but also great at absorbing radiations.T

This plant may improve heart health, could boost immunity, may have anti-cancer effects, rich in disease-fighting antioxidants, and is an excellent source of vitamin K.

• Snake plant
This plant is known to be very effective in converting carbon dioxide into oxygen. It can improve your lung health. If you cannot find cactus, opt for this plant. It can be planted in any type of pot and requires less maintenance.
It absorbs CO2 at night also, is effective against allergies, and is Vastu and Feng shui friendly.

Radiations travel in a straight line, so keep that in mind when setting up your plant, and make sure not to block the path with other items. do not keep anything between your gadget and the plant as it may affect their ability to absorb the radiations.
Gift your family and employees a pure breathing experience by creating a radiation-free home and office.

We can play our part by leaving our phones in another room while sleeping and using ear buds or speaker mode when on a call. In addition to this, we recommend you to cut down the time spent with your gadgets and try spending a moment relishing nature.

Miraculous Insulin Benefits

Benefits of Insulin Plant

Costus igneus, commonly known as Insulin plant in India, belongs to the family Costaceae. Consumption of its leaves is believed to lower blood glucose levels, and diabetics who consumed the leaves of this plant did report a fall in their blood glucose levels.  A leaf–a-day, keeps diabetes away is the famous saying about this plant. Diabetes is a disease of metabolism, where body is not able to synthesis sufficient insulin or the blood cells stop responding to the insulin produced in the body. The leaves of insulin plant contain mostly of Corosolic Acid which is beneficial in controlling diabetic. Its leaves strengthen the beta cells of the pancreas in the human body, thus balancing the insulin levels.

A number of studies and researches have been done to assess the anti-diabetic properties and potential of the insulin Plant. Besides, it’s been demonstrated to have various pharmacological activities like hypolipidemic (cholesterol lowering), diuretic, antioxidant, anti- inflammatory and anti-cancerous.

What does the insulin plant look like?

The plant has large fleshy leaves. The undersides of the leaves are smooth and dark green with light purple shade. The leaves are spirally arranged around the stem. The maximum height reaches up to 2 feet. The dried leaves are used in making of ayurvedic medicines. The flowers are orange in color. Flowering occurs during the warm months. The species reproduce vegetative by rhizome and birds disperse seeds when they feed on the fruits. Propagation is by stem cutting.

Here are some benefits of Insulin

  1. Curing Diabetes

 Insulin is a magical cure for diabetes. Consumption of its leaves reduces blood sugar level.  Regular consumption of the leaves can aid in preventing the onset of chronic health complications developed as a result of diabetes. The plant is a magic wand for the ill-effects of diabetes.

  1. Natural Pre-biotic to Smooth Digestion

The leaves have high level of natural fructose which smoothen the colon functioning system. It improves digestion by acting as a natural pre-biotic and promotes the growth of good bacteria in the gut which aids in better nutrient absorption and digestion.

  1. Anti-Bacterial

The anti bacterial properties of Insulin help to kill the unwanted bacteria in the body. The methanolic extracts of flower and stem of C. pictus possess in vitro antioxidant activity against oxidative protein damage. It can protect your body from bacterial infections due to its antibacterial properties. So, say bye-bye to bacterial infections.

  1. Natural Antioxidant

The plant has antioxidant properties which help in destroying free radicals and protects body from several health disorders.  The antioxidant properties of the herb are concentrated in the methanolic extracts found in the rhizomes and leaves of the plant.

  1. Liver Illness

Liver dysfunction can lead to many disorders. It is very important to take care of your liver through your diet. Insulin leaf consumption will help to improve the health of the liver by eroding the poison slowly out from the liver. As the plant can break down the fat deposits and unnecessary toxins in the liver, it can treat liver problems and keep your liver healthy.

  1. Anti- inflammatory

Leaves promote smooth airflow in lungs. Thus, help to alleviate the symptoms of asthma and bronchitis and also aids in curing sore throat. Its potion can be consumed in winters as well to keep the common cold away.

  1. Kidney Health

Insulin plant has sodium and water retention capacity and diuretic property. Hence, it can improve the health of your both bladder and kidney by increasing urination rate. The increased urination rate prevents the development of kidney stones which can cause severe urination problems in the long run if not treated early.

  1. Immunity Enhancer


The changes in our lifestyle have made us much more sensitive to various elements which are constantly leading to a decrease in immunity level. This can be prevented to some extent by use of this plant. The antioxidant properties of the herb are effective in improving your immune system. It removes the toxins such as free radicals. Regular consumption can improve the immune system and shield your body from any illness.


  1. Blood Pressure Reducing

Hypertension has become very common now days due to our unhealthy diet intake. Fatty foods lead to increase in the blood pressure and can cause damage our body. Insulin herb is known to turn down hypertension. Regular consumption of the herb will aid in reducing high levels of blood pressure and calming the heart.

  1. Cancer Prevention

Preventing is always better than cure. Some studies showed that the Insulin plant has anti-proliferative and anti-cancerous properties. So, it can prevent cancer by killing bad cells and you can stop fearing cancer.

  1. Cholesterol Reducing


It also can reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. And thereby, prevent cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, it minimizes bad cholesterol and rises up the good cholesterol.


CAUTION: Pregnant women and lactating mothers should avoid the consumption of Insulin plant as it affects the hormonal balance.


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